Monday, September 3, 2018

Happy Labor Day!

Labor Day traditionally marks the end of Summer: it’s a day set aside for honoring those who work. Much has been written about the things people do: but the real story should focus on the things we do to get them to work smarter and more effectively. Things like understanding what makes employees tick, listening to their concerns and ideas, acting when those make sense, and celebrating their efforts every minute of every day. It you’re not attentive, why should they be? If you don’t care, don’t expect them to either. Why should they work hard and care a lot if they don’t think you care? And if you don’t make a big deal of the stuff they do they won’t think their efforts matter. Don’t just pay people for having heads and hands, do everything to make them feel good about using them. That’s your #1 job and the best way to honor and celebrate labor today.

Elbert Hubbard (1856 – 1915): American writer, publisher, artist, and philosopher

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