Sunday, February 9, 2025

Be involved to be successful...

In the late 1990s I was blown away when I heard the head of Gallup say that only 23% of employees worldwide are engaged at work. He went on to say:


·       Only 20% employees strongly agree that their leaders make them enthusiastic about the future.

·       Only 24% of employees strongly agree that their organization cares about their overall wellbeing.

·       Only 31% of employees strongly agree that there is someone at work who encourages their development.

·       Only 20% of employees strongly agree that their performance is managed in a way that motivates them to do outstanding work.

·       Only 19% of employees say they are extremely satisfied with their company as a place to work.

·       And 41% of employees cite issues related to engagement and culture as the primary reason for quitting.


The crazy thing about it – the numbers haven’t changed much between then and now. All the time and effort companies have put into improving them have seemingly been for naught. Think about whether these numbers reflect your organization and its employees – because you can’t have this and still be successful. I’ll be addressing issues of participation and engagement for the rest of this week. Because interested, engaged, and happy employees are key to your overall success today.


Janine N. Truitt is a Human Resources professional as well as an HR blogger/founder of “The Aristocracy of HR” blog.(

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Be involved to be successful...

I n the late 1990s I was blown away when I heard the head of Gallup say that only 23% of employees worldwide are engaged at work. He went on...