Thursday, December 5, 2024

What's in your heart...

I’ve often said that I was born to be in human resources… meaning, I guess, that it was work for which I was best suited. My work was sometimes tedious, but the variety each day kept it interesting. And the thing I learned early on was that I could come up with interesting projects that were both challenging and exciting. People used to joke that I could have that job for life since very few others wanted it, but I was never without a protégé who wanted to do more. And in that lies, to me, the great challenge about work – the best job is the one you have… the challenge is making it the one you want. I’ve known lots of people who’ve made more of their jobs than what was in the formal job description – taking on projects internally or volunteering for worthwhile causes outside the company that related to their work. Don’t just accept the scope of a job – ask to do more, learn more, and be more – no boss will ever say no to that. And with all the jobs available today, search in earnest for ones that both attract you and for which you may be best suited – and if you aren’t sure, ask – there are mentors and job coaches who will be more than happy to assist. Make it your purpose to find your best job today.


Oliver Napoleon Hill (1883 – 1970): American journalist, salesman, lecturer, and self-help author (Think and Grow Rich); he believed that fervid (meaning: intensely enthusiastic or passionate, especially to an excessive degree) expectations are essential to improving one's life.

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