Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Always point your arrow in the right direction...

As the year counts down to a close, I am again thinking about the future of writing these daily messages. Not so much whether I’ll continue – if I can, I will, but rather, among other things, of continuing the process of collecting topical and pertinent quotes. Ones that inspire. I’ve often used quotes by today’s author as his are timeless and inspiring, just like today’s. Ones that make you think. Because whatever we each do, approaching work with professionalism is the basis of excellence and effectiveness. Tyger’s many talents included writing a weekly column that regularly ended with this: "May today be the start of a wonderful week for you." My goal has always been to provide a message that might be the start of a wonderful day for you – whether that’s provided by my message, one that your boss starts you off with, or something you find, getting off on the right foot is so important. Along with rest, exercise, and a healthy diet, these are the things you can do to approach each day with the right mindset and sense of purpose. Give yourself the tools you need to make the most of today.


Frank Tyger (1929 – 20110: American editorial cartoonist (Trenton Times) for 34 years; during that he was also a Production Manager, wrote a weekly column and continued to pursue his lifelong interest in authoring quotes and puns which were published nationally in magazines such as Reader's Digest, Forbes, Editor and Publisher and the Saturday Evening Post.

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