Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Let your voice be heard...

I’m spending this week with a Canadian company’s top team, helping them identify and build consensus around several strategic options. The key to this engagement is everyone’s active participation in these discussions. Everyone’s voice matters. No exceptions. These leaders are great at their respective roles but asked for help developing a framework and methodology for problem solving. Where individual ideas are discussed and vetted against the thinking of the whole group. In these kinds of discussions, silence isn’t golden; it’s deadly. The best decision-making outcomes are achieved through robust, open, and honest collaboration. Because, as my mother often reminded me, two heads are better than one. Effective leaders must know how to facilitate meetings and discussions to get everyone actively participating – closely monitoring the discussions, listening, asking follow-up questions, and finding agreement. It requires being interested, actively engaged, and aware enough to keep the discussion on track towards a resolution. It’s as much like teamwork as the kind needed to win games and championships. We teach a set of proven rules and plays meant to keep everyone on the same page as they work through the problem-solving and decision-making processes. To a winning conclusion. Be the kind of leader that’s a beacon of collaboration and help your colleagues find consensus today.


Mark Sanborn: American author (The Fred Factor), professional speaker, and entrepreneur. 

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