Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Be a subject-matter expert...

You should know what you want.

·          But must understand what you want.

·              And then must communicate what you want.

·                  And take responsibility for getting what you want.


One of the newest (and right now the most talked about) innovations is Artificial Intelligence – AI for short. People are predicting that this has the potential to impact much of we do – some good, some not so good. So, it wasn’t surprising when McDonalds hired IBM to help find and implement uses for AI in the fast-food giant’s business. They used it to interpret customer orders at the drive thru window and transmit that information to the kitchen. Sounds simple and straight-forward, but it was a bust. Nearly 90% of the AI-led orders needed human intervention. If you’re going to be innovative, you must understand everything about what it is you’re trying to do and why. Asking someone else to interpret and make recommendations for your business is never as good as understanding and doing that yourself. Educate yourself about the innovations you’re interested in, get advice if needed, but take control of and responsibility for implementing new ideas to make sure they meet your needs, culture, and expectations. Letting others get between you and your business (employees and customers) is a sure-fire way to create confusion. Take charge. Get engaged. And make sure your intentions are well-understood today.


Henry Miller (1891 – 1980): American novelist (Tropic of Cancer, Black Spring, Tropic of Capricorn, and the trilogy The Rosy Crucifixion), short story writer, and essayist.

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