Friday, May 21, 2021

Thank your lucky stars...

Yesterday I finished up my first post-pandemic business trip and flew back home. During this first time away in more than 15 months, I thought a lot about the intersections of good fortune, anxiety, and trying to return to normal, about life as it used to be and what it might be in the future, and about how we each approach these transitions. While the vaccine gave me a sense of security, the realization that this pandemic was a close brush with potential disaster makes me appreciate my good health and fortune.  Whatever time any of us have here on Earth, this years’ experience should make us treasure that time even more. Treasure our health and happiness. Treasure the things we’re able to do. Treasure our loved ones. And treasure each sunrise and sunset. Next time you see a friend or loved one for the first time since the lockdown, or do something you had previously enjoyed doing, or take a baby step back towards your new normal, count your blessings and be thankful that you can. One of the things I learned from new friends this past week is that life presents us with challenges and opportunities, and that we should be thankful for our ability to paddle away from the first and towards the second. Be mindful of that today.


Beatrice Arthur (1922 – 2009): American actress, comedian, and activist

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