Thursday, May 6, 2021

Be aware of perceptions...

I keep hearing how businesses are struggling to find employees as companies ramp up after the pandemic. The first thing they should do is bring back all of their former employees, but that apparently is proving to be easier said than done.  This may have something to do with how they were laid off or furloughed last year, or how companies communicated with them (or not) during the past year, or any number of other reasons related to how fairly or empathetically they think they’ve been treated throughout this long ordeal. They may be scared, upset or ambivalent – things that leaders need to tune in to and seek to understand.  Leaders often exhort their employees to “be in the moment”, meaning to focus on the needs of customers – leaders must now apply that same principle to how engaged they are with their employees. Review your employee communication practices and messages to see if they created the right impressions back then or perceptions now. Whatever happened this past year, today it’s all about how and what you’re communicating, and how employees or applicants feel about that, so be in the here and now of this current situation with your employees. And since every other company is also trying to recruit your employees now, you should be focused on making them feel valued and welcome. Everywhere is here and every when is now in the war for talent today.


Dante Alighieri (1265 – 1321): Italian poet, writer and philosopher; author of The Divine Comedy and The Inferno

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Believe in caring...

E mployees in for-profit companies rarely believe in the cause of the organization. The rare exceptions are those like Patagonia, where the ...