Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Be a light for others...

I write every day… but I don’t put myself in the same category as today’s author. Watching her at the recent inauguration and again at the Super Bowl, she has a unique style of both writing and delivery, so much so that it’s hard to know whether to focus on her words or motions. Long ago I learned to write conversationally, and readers often comment on my style…but I don’t hold a candle to Gorman. I’d like to think that my writing is brave enough to be hopeful…but I’ll settle for it being a little bit inspirational. My style was honed walking the back halls of casinos and hotels, talking to employees, listening to their hopes, dreams and needs, and trying to leave them with something more than when we began talking. It’s a variation on the old Management-By-Walking-Around (MBWA), which was popular in the 70s and 80s: you learn so much doing that, far more than when sitting behind a desk. It’s a practice I often preach to younger and newer supervisors, one that helps ground them in organizational dynamics and set the foundation for career growth. Spend time each day walking around where you work, learning what’s going on, and being brave enough to be hopeful. That’s a great leadership style to learn and practice today


Amanda S. C. Gorman (born 1998): American poet and activist and the first person to be named National Youth Poet Laureate

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