Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Outwork your competition....

Working with celebrity chefs was a unique experience: each epitomized the definition of ‘individual’.  They each had unique routines; each required their own unique set of vendors; and each had a unique style and signature.  However, the thing that was common to all was a work ethic that was inspired, driven and unending. Corporate environments often sought consistencies and synergies that could be reflected in efficiencies and savings: having a dozen or more individual people, programs and processes was a challenge to those corporatized philosophies. They were all drawn to play on Las Vegas’ large stage and attracted many others who wanted to learn and bask in the glow here. And what everyone learned was that to get to the top meant having the ability to outwork everyone else. There’s a reason there aren’t many seats at the top of any successful organization. The lesson learned: the surest way to get one of those coveted seats was to outplay ANDoutwork the competition every day

Ben Hogan (1912 – 1997): American professional golfer who is generally considered to be one of the greatest players in the history of the game

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