Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Be proud of yourself....

Companies are all about building strong and effective work teams, but they’ll never have strong teams until each of their employees is competent in their job and confident in themselves. Meaning employees have to know themselves and what they want: give them an opportunity to discuss their hopes and fears openly to create an environment of camaraderie and trust. Meaning employees have to be proud of themselves: help them learn from their successes and failures as they transform their new-found trust into respect.  Meaning they have to be comfortable being open with their co-workers: the kind of openness that uses shared experiences and goals to bring people and teams together. Teams are complex organisms: leaders must learn to develop and guide their teams effectively in order to get the most out of each individual on that team. Learn to like yourself if you want to be proud of yourself and your work today.

 BeyoncĂ© Giselle Knowles-Carter (b. 1981): American singer, songwriter, actress, record producer and dancer

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