Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Simple and manageable matters....

People always asked how we opened large and complex casinos: the simple answer was that it was a lot of people doing a lot of small jobs. At first, it seemed overwhelming to us, but then one of our executives suggested breaking it down on a Gantt chart, which is a type of bar chart that illustrates a project schedule. This chart listed the tasks to be performed (in our case, thousands) on the vertical axis, and time intervals (in our case 365 days) on the horizontal axis: the width of the horizontal bars in the graph showed the duration of each activity. We’d never done this before and that first chart helped us to see and track the whole project and everyone’s respective part of the whole. And once we did it, the project no longer seemed quite so daunting. We all do things – both big and small – and they’re all more manageable when divided into small components. This is an idea that can make everyone’s efforts more effective today.  

Henry Ford (1863 – 1947): American industrialist and a business magnate, the founder of the Ford Motor Company

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