Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Dig deep to overcome challenges....

One of the questions I liked asking college recruits was which class did they find especially difficult and what was their final grade in it? I was always impressed with those students who told of having to work especially hard in the class they mentioned in order to get a passing or better grade. Life is full of challenges like that and the people that overcome them are those who won’t much flinch at the difficult times or duties found at work. For me, that class was Statistics: I wasn’t very good at math but the professor’s explanation of why the subject was important helped me to understand it better. You’ll most likely have employees who struggle with some things at work, but rather than giving up on them, double down on explaining why when teaching them how: that’s the best way to help them overcome a lack of natural talent and find the motivation to work especially hard to get things right today.

Derek Jeter (b. 1974): American former professional baseball player with the NY Yankees, businessman, and baseball executive 

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