Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Make time to be positive....

“Until you take your profession as passion, each and every activity looks as a headache.” Vignesh S.V.

Managers have a lot to do with the state of their employees’ attitudes: if the boss is enthusiastic, motivated and happy then their employees will be too. I went into a store in a little town in Maine yesterday and asked for a T-shirt: the employee there told me that part of the store was closed because they were short staffed. The manager overhead this and suggested to the employee they could open up that area and take care of the request together: the manager’s enthusiastic approach turned a negative situation into a great lesson in customer service. Positive starts with you: if you’re passionate to be there and do things, see the glass as being half full (rather than half empty), and focus on the things that are good and right, you’ll influence your employees to begin to see things and act that way too.  The best professionals know they have to watch for and deal with negative behavior ANDalso make sure they spend time being positive and catching employees doing things right: until they do, everything at work looks like a headache.  Be a positive and professional supervisor today.

Vignesh S.V. (b. 1991): Indian software engineer and writer

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