Sunday, April 21, 2024

Make someone smile...




              1. the quality of being loyal.

                        o a strong feeling of support or allegiance.


Not many other names evoke such a vivid picture in your mind as this man and the company he founded. When we started at the Golden Nugget in the early 1980s, we talked about creating Disney like magic and actively studied their concepts and practices. Like making employees feel and act like they were on stage and creating lasting experiences for customers. The smiles they put on people’s faces created strong loyalty among customers and employees. They manage the lines people wait in exceptionally well, but the magic is a whole lot deeper than that. Everything their employees do is focused on making people feel good. And treating employees the same way ensures that they know and understand how it feels and how and why their job is to make the customer feel the same way. They do that so well that people want to see it (their parks, their movies, their channels) again and bring friends. Or come back to work every day and try to get their friends to work there. That’s the concept – while it’s easier said than done, it is doable. Start small. Talk to your employees. Show them you care. Build their trust. And keep doing that every day. That’s how to create loyalty today.


Walter Elias Disney (1901 – 1966): American animator, film producer, and entrepreneur. Founder and owner of the Walt Disney Company known today as just Disney.

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