Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Invest in your employees...

When I started in the gaming business, most of the managers were trained on the job. Back then, most working people learned like that.


·      We often say that employees are our most important assets.

·      Investing in them makes good dollars and sense.


Many things in life can be learned experientially – effectively leading people shouldn’t be one of them. Companies need to invest in their front-line managers – making them more effective can only benefit the employees they supervise every day. Earlier today I did another Tiny Classroom Live chat on LinkedIn – the topic today was about the importance of job skills training for employees AND soft skills training for managers and supervisors. While we were talking someone wrote in and asked what we thought were the top 5 soft skills training courses – 1st was Communications, 2nd Coaching, 3rd Emotional Intelligence, 4th Situational Leadership, and 5th Handling Difficult Conversations. Being able to communicate effectively is the basis for all of those topics – listening and mastering the verbal and non-verbal aspects of communications. Without these skills, managers aren’t nearly as good as they could or should be, and neither are their employees. Whichever way you provide this information (check out, make a plan to invest in your managers today.


Quentin Tarantino (born 1963): American film director, screenwriter, and actor.

1 comment:

Never lose your passion for making things better...

I  was happy working at Wynn because I was encouraged to look for projects that got my creativity going. I had lunch this week with someone ...