Thursday, November 29, 2018

Be strong and help others....

During the run-up to opening Bellagio I tore an Achilles tendon: as painful as that was, the overdose on the pain meds was worse. That sent me into a depression that surprised and shocked me: I had always been Mr. Positive and just like that I could no longer get out of bed or face the world. Nobody wants to admit to any personal weaknesses or fears; we all want to maintain that perfect façade: but I was down and needed help.  Family, friends, my Rabbi, the boss – everybody – told me that humans are fallible, subject to the worries and pressures and pain that go with life. My eyes were opened to the reality that we’re not alone and that it was ok to show my problems and scars. From that day on I’ve talked about and became an advocate for accepting and dealing with depression, and I gained the will to live on. If someone you know is hurting, help them, let them know you’re there for them, and use your presence as a first-aid kit. Help others get through life today.

Paulo Coelho (b. 1947): Poet and writer

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