Sunday, January 17, 2010

Motivate Your Children Well

Motivate [your teams], train them, care about them, and make winners out of them... they'll treat the customers right. And if customers are treated right, they'll come back. - J. Marriott, Jr.
J. W. Marriott, Jr., the son of Marriott Corporation founder J. Willard Marriott, was born in Washington, D.C., in 1932. Mr. Marriott, Jr. served in a number of capacities in his father's Hot Shoppes restaurant chain during his high school and college years, joining the company full-time in 1956. Since he became president in 1964, the company has grown at an annual compounded rate of approximately 20 percent in sales, net income, earnings per share and stock price.
It’s been said many times that there’s a direct link between employee satisfaction, customer satisfaction and profitability; that’s why you should spend all your time and energy making sure that employees are treated right. Treating employees right means hiring the right people for the right jobs; making sure they have the training needed to feel comfortable and confident; communicating with them all the time – not just regularly; give them lots of feedback – when they’re right let them know and thank them, and when they’re not quite right show them how to be better; treating them like friends and family – the way you want to be treated; and always remembering to say please and thank you – just like your mother taught you. This will make them better, happier and more loyal, and that’s just the kind of employee you want handling and motivating your customers to come back. Do this today and everyday and let your business reap the rewards that happy employees and repeat customers can bring. That’s how to be a winner!

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